bt | Base Tools |
ConstMapVoid | ConstMapVoid - constant associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type |
depVector4f | DepVector4f - четырехмерный вектор одинарной точности c плавающей точкой, архитектурно зависим |
globalMemManager | GlobalMemManager - общий менеджер памяти для локальной имгопоточной обработки данных |
HashVector | HashVector - continuous array data type T |
LinkArray | LinkArray - the interface of the segment to the memory of identical elements |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
MapName | MapName - associative list matches a specific string is the address of the specified data type |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
MapVoid | MapVoid - associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
MapVoidInt | MapVoidInt - associative list matches a particular address another address of the specified data type |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
matrix4d | Matrix4d - The matrix in the format of floating point numbers double precision |
matrix4f | Matrix4f - The matrix in the format of floating point single precision |
memManager | MemManager - управляет выделением и освобождением памяти определенного класса объектов объемом size |
ParametersList | ParametersList - a named parameter list |
quaterniond | Quaterniond - the rotation around the vector |
quaternionf | Quaternionf - the rotation around the vector |
ShortString | ShortString - a short string that can contain no more than 255 8bits characters |
ShortStringList | ShortStringList - array of short string |
SortVoidVector | SortVoidVector - continuous sorted array of pointers of type T |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
String | String - a long string that can contain 4 milliard 8bits characters |
Variant | Variant - variational data type enables you to store, transmit and convert different types |
Vector | Vector - continuous array data type T |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
vector2b | Vector2b - двухмерный целочисленный беззнаковый вектор байт |
vector2d | Vector2d - двухмерный вектор двойной точности |
vector2f | Vector2f - two-dimensional single precision vector |
vector2i | Vector2i - two-dimensional integer vector |
vector3d | Vector3d - three-dimensional vector with double precision |
vector3f | Vector3f - three-dimensional vector with single precision |
vector3i | Vector3i - three-dimensional integer vector |
vector4b | Vector4b - четырехмерный целочисленный беззнаковый вектор байт |
vector4d | Vector4d - four-dimensional double precision vector |
vector4f | Vector4f - four-dimensional single precision vector |
vector4i | Vector4i - four-dimensional integer vector |
VoidVector | VoidVector - continuous array of pointers of type T |
iterator | The object that abstracts a single interface access to the items in the collection |
csad | Complex software application developer |
BaseMesh | BaseMesh - abstract class geometry |
BaseObject | BaseObject - the main interface objects |
Camera | Camera - component defines the projection matrix of points Transform into a point Target |
ClassManager | ClassManager - the Manager interface classes |
Component | Component - a component is a unique part of the object may not have a name, and to exist independently |
Config | Config - набор статических методов для формирования архитектуры приложения |
ContainerComponents | ContainerComponents - the container class components |
Core | Core - the Manager interface of the application |
Display | Display - the class of the output device |
File | File - A file object |
Font | Font - The font object belongs to font server |
FontServer | FontServer - font Manager |
FontText | FontText - Object bitmap texture font belongs to the font server |
Format3DS | Format3DS - файл экспортируемого формата 3D Studio Max |
FormatJPG | FormatJPG - файл двухмерного изображения |
FormatPAK | FormatPAK - файл контейнер |
FormatTGA | FormatTGA - файл двухмерного изображения |
FormatXML | FormatXML - the format of the xml data file |
GlContext | GlContext - the context interface OpenGL/OpenGLES |
Graph | Graph - Manager graphics |
Input | Input - Manager device input |
InterfaceDataSystem | InterfaceDataSystem - system data manager |
Keyboard | Keyboard - the object input system, platform dependent |
Library | Library - dynamic linking of libraries |
Light | Light - компонент определяющий источник света |
LightingModel | LightingModel - группа освещения |
Material | Material - the object of material |
Mesh | Mesh - geometric container sets vertex model object. Tops in its composition can have the following characteristics: position, color, vector front, texture coordinates |
MeshFilter | MeshFilter - a component of a graphical object |
Module | Module - dynamic module contains system components |
Mouse | Mouse - the object input system, platform dependent |
NetConnection | NetConnection - network connection |
NodeXML | NodeXML - элемент данных xml файла |
ObjectManager | ObjectManager - tool organize objects. Is intended for storage of objects or containers components |
Render | Render - the basic methods of drawing |
Renderer | Renderer - class imaging using the active camera selected scene |
Resender | Resender - the component that redirects all events of the specified object |
Scene | Scene - environment objects that belongs to the Manager Graph |
SceneComponent | SceneComponent - a component is a unique part of the object may not have a name, and to exist independently |
SceneResender | SceneResender - the component that redirects all events of the specified object |
SGBaseElement | SGBaseElement - base class for gui elements |
SGButton | SGButton - component, which is the controller buttons, defines the characteristics of the image and manages events |
SGButtonStyle | SGButtonStyle - component containing the settings button States |
SGElement | SGElement - component, which is the action controller, defines the characteristics of the image and manages events |
SGElementStyle | SGElementStyle - component containing the parameters of the item's state |
SGLineEdit | SGLineEdit - component |
SGLineEditStyle | SGLineEditStyle - component containing the parameters of the line edit state |
SGMouse | SGMouse - component, mouse event handlers |
SGMouseMesh | SGMouseMesh - component, geometrical model of the pointer |
SGScroll | SGScroll - component, which is the controller of the scrolls, defines the characteristics of the image and manages events |
SGTabControll | SGTabControll - |
SGTable | SGTable - component |
Shader | Shader - the object of shader programm |
StaticMesh | StaticMesh - the class is static geometry |
Style | Style - container styles |
System | System - |
Text3D | Text3D - component, is suitable for construction of geometry text. Build output is saved in a Mesh situated in the component MeshFilter |
TextStyle | TextStyle - component describing the parameters of the text |
Texture2D | Texture2D - two-dimensional texture |
Thread | Thread - class to create and flow control |
Timer | Timer - timer |
Transform | Transform - a key element of the environment specifies the position of the object |
VBOMesh | VBOMesh - class geometry of the device |
ViewPort | ViewPort - rectangular area of the screen where the image is built |
gen | |
GeometryPath | GeometryPath - Список групп |
ModellerMesh | ModellerMesh - методы моделирования трехмерной полигональной модели |
ModellerRaster | ModellerRaster - методы моделирования изображения |
Raster | Raster - двухмерная цветовая матрица |
sFunctionsAPICPU | SFunctionsAPICPU - |
sFunctionsArrayCPU | SFunctionsArrayCPU - функции обработки массивов |
sFunctionsArrayVectorCPU | SFunctionsArrayVectorCPU - mathematical functions for handling arrays of numbers |
sFunctionsCore | SFunctionsCore - |
sFunctionsDisplayRender | SFunctionsDisplayRender - |
sFunctionsExtensionCPU | SFunctionsExtensionCPU - дополнительные функции |
sFunctionsGen | SFunctionsGen - |
sFunctionsGLContext | SFunctionsGLContext - function OpenGL interface standard for SOFT/GL/GLES imaging |
sFunctionsMathCPU | SFunctionsMathCPU - numerical mathematical functions |
sFunctionsObjectCPU | SFunctionsObjectCPU - operators |
sFunctionsPlatform | SFunctionsPlatform - |
sFunctionsRenderCPU | SFunctionsRenderCPU - функции графических алгоритмов |
sFunctionsVectorCPU | SFunctionsVectorCPU - vector mathematical functions |